Make a Complaint

Please tell us a few things about your complaint before we get started.

If you have already submitted a complaint to OBSI using this form and want to provide additional information, please do not submit this form again. Please contact us at 1 (888) 451-4519 or by email at

If you have registered to use OBSI’s Consumer Portal, you can log in to securely upload documents regarding your complaint.

Can OBSI look at your complaint? *

Some firms may operate under various brand names. If you don't see your firm in this list, please go to to search using the Find Your Firm tool.

Has the revenue of your business been under $5 million in each of the past five years? *
Is this complaint regarding an Estate? *
Are you complaining on behalf of someone else? *
Is there someone you want to authorize to help you with your complaint? Helpers are usually a trusted friend or family member, but might also be a trustee, a person granted power of attorney, or a lawyer. You must be comfortable authorizing us to share your complaint and financial information with a helper. *
In case you cannot complete OBSI’s Make a Complaint form in one session, please provide an email address where we can send you a reference number and link so you can return to your submission later.
The last time you were in this form your session ended before your submission was complete. To resume your submission and/or to review the information you previously provided, please click the Next button.